Does this sound familiar to you?

  • “I can’t speak the language perfectly,
  • I gain weight too easy,
  • I am too naïve,
  • too afraid,
  • too old,
  • too stupid,
  • I am not good at anything,
  • and too ugly.”

I will call that evil talking the “voice” in this article.

There is one thing I regret more than anything; it is the time spent believing I wasn’t good enough, and not worthy of improvement.

I came out of my cocoon and self-pity cycle slowly by painting. Thank God for that! It was a rescue mission; with every new painting and improvement, I gain so much confidence in myself. “I can do this!” I told myself.  Of course, there is that “voice” that comes back to say to me: “You are not that good,” “You won’t sell enough to make a living.” But it is easy to shut that voice down. I learned a secret, and I am going to share it with you:

That secret of dealing with my anxiety and negative thought is:


When I learn, I automatically feel happy. I feel like somehow, I am accepting my weak points, but I am also on my way to improving them. That is my mojo!.

I realized it more intensively during the corona lockdown. I was more present at home and less in the traffic to do a training every afternoon:

  • I did 11 courses via LinkedIn learning (most about project management and Six Sigma),
  • three times via Udemy (about animal healing).
  • I am doing an online marketing course at the university level.
  • I keep taking painting lessons.
  • A few weeks ago, I did a zoom course about how to give an Ayurveda massage to myself.

It is not a secret. Any investment to make you better will contribute to your happiness.

Now after reading this, tell me, what are the courses you are going to follow? Was this article useful to shut up your “voice”?


Maria Arias – February 13, 2021


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