Title: Wolf
Artwork description: 40×50 cm mixed media on Clayboard
Available for sales – ship worldwide
Reference picture Menno van der Lelie.
Wolves are back,after 140 years, they are back in the Netherlands.
Wolves are beautiful creatures, mighty with strategies, and sometimes unfortunately misunderstood. Some of their species are endangered. They are also loyal, robust, social, and friendly. The wolf is a great communicator: They can use touch, body language, eye contact, and many vocal expressions. They are the symbol of victory, deep faith, and passion. As a half-Celtic woman, the wolf is an excellent guide and a symbol of transformation.
Wolves change rivers! They create balance. There is a story when they were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park in 1995. Wolves started hunting elk that had been destroying willows and aspens along the park’s waterways. The trees began coming back, and with them, beavers to build dams. The rivers began to hold their course, and less erosion was evident. They save the river.